Complete Restoration of a Toenail Compromised by Onychomycosis, Using a Novel 0.65 millisecond Pulsed Nd:YAG 1064nm Laser
Boris Raginsky, DPM, Podiatry, Fair Lawn, NJ
A male patient aged 74 presented with a toenail on the left foot that was affected by Onychomycosis and fully compromised. Laser therapy was selected because previous treatments by other modalities were not effective. The 1064nm laser modality has been proven to be effective in clearing Onychomycosis, as long as the pulse duration is in the submillisecond range and the fluence is at least 40-50 joules per square centimeter. Such a submillisecond Nd:YAG laser (the LightPod Forte laser from Aerolase, Tarrytown, NY) was used to treat this patient. The nail bed was cleaned and dried, and laser energy was applied at a spot size of 5mm, fluence of 41 j/cm2 and 0.6 millisecond pulse duration, with two complete passes applied to the full nail bed including the nail matrix area and surrounding skin. Two treatments were performed, spaced three months apart. A new, healthy and clear toenail grew in within 6 months after the first treatment session. No side effects were observed.