Aerolase technology effectively reduce and remove scars from the dermal and epidermal layers.

The Era is used to ablate skin along incision lines, post-suturing, to minimize raised scar formation, and to resurface scar tissue. Aerolase lasers are used to remove vascularity and other pigmentation from existing scars to make them less noticeable.

A woman in a purple shirt is holding a blow dryer

The Most Advanced Treatment of Scars and Striae

Types of scars treated

Different types of veins and vascular lesions can be:

Acne Scar: Ice Pick and Boxcar
Surgical Scars
Burn Scars
Traumatic Scars

Treatment of incisions post-suturing

For the treatment of incisions post-suturing, to minimize raised scar formation, the Era is used to ablate along the incision line; this promotes evenness of skin healing and the heat from the laser energy stimulates the formation of new collagen, further improving the surface texture and uniformity.

Existing scars

For the treatment of existing scars, the Era can be used to reduce the raised scar tissue and improve texture, while either the Neo or Neo V is used to target pigment including red (vascularity) and brown (hyperpigmentation) to improve the cosmetic appearance of the scar.

Efficacy & patient satisfaction

In a recent clinical study, from Khalili A. Khatri, MD, the efficacy & patient satisfaction in Laser Scar Revision using the 300-microsecond ER:YAG laser was tested and found:

  • 30% of patients rated improvements as excellent
  • 70% of patients rated improvement as good or satisfactory

How Aerolase helps reduce the appearance of scars from both the dermis and epidermis.

The 650-microsecond 1064nm Nd:YAG laser targets the dermis, helping reduce the pigment and discoloration from scars and help stimulate collagen growth to enhance the skins texture.

The 300-microsecond 2940nm ER:YAG laser targets the epidermisl by efficiently removing the upper layer of the skin, removing scar tissue, promoting the regrowth of healthy skin.

Combining both of these devices creates the Reverse by Aerolase® protocol normalizing skin texture and tone by removing scar tissue and blending healthy skin.

“The dramatic reduction in the appearance of scars can be life-changing for patients. The Era scar treatment has been pivotal in helping traumatic scars in patients affected by the explosion in Beirut during August 2020.”
A man with a beard wearing a black shirt
Dr. William Watfa
Facial Plastic Surgeon, Beirut, Lebanon
"We performed a study with the Neo for facial telangiectasias and had great results with absolutely no complications. The Neo has been a great adjunct to our large laser practice. It can easily treat poikiloderma, erythematous scars, hypertrophic scars, rosacea and telangiectasias.”
A man wearing glasses and a red tie
David Goldberg, MD

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