Clinical Solutions for Autoimmune Skin Conditions
Harness advanced technology to treat these inflammatory conditions with precision and efficacy.

Autoimmune skin conditions such as Psoriasis, Vitiligo, Atopic Dermatitis, and Alopecia Areata can cause persistent symptoms like rashes, blisters, and skin discoloration, significantly affecting patients' lives.
These conditions result from the immune system attacking the skin, leading to chronic inflammation and visible signs that are often difficult to treat.
Aerolase technologies provide innovative solutions for managing these conditions, with devices like the Exci308® Excimer Phototherapy system offering targeted, clinically proven treatment.
By delivering 308nm UVB light directly to affected areas, the Exci308 helps modulate the immune response, reduce inflammation, and visibly improve symptoms, offering a safe and effective option for practitioners and patients alike.
The specific autoimmune conditions that Aerolase can treat
Aerolase technology offers a targeted approach to vitiligo treatment, utilizing precise phototherapy to stimulate repigmentation and balance skin tone effectively.
Atopic Dermatitis
Calm the itching and redness of atopic dermatitis with Aerolase’s innovative devices, designed to reduce immune overactivity and restore healthy skin.
Address the chronic inflammation and plaques of psoriasis with Aerolase Exci308, delivering focused UVB light therapy for safe and efficient symptom relief.
Alopecia Areata
Aerolase phototherapy promotes immune modulation to support hair regrowth in alopecia areata, offering an advanced, non-invasive treatment option.
Scalp Psoriasis
Aerolase provides a non-invasive solution for scalp psoriasis, penetrating thick scales and reducing inflammation without discomfort or downtime.
Results Showcase


Experience Aerolase Today
Neo isn’t just a laser—it’s a revolution in skin wellness. Whether you’re a practitioner looking to elevate your practice or a patient seeking real results, Neo delivers the power, precision, and purpose you deserve.