New Therapy for Treating Vascular Conditions by David J. Goldberg, MD, JD
After using many devices, Dr. Goldberg lays out the strengths and differences that come with the 650-microsecond laser when treating vascular lesions.
Vascular conditions have been the first and most evident uses for lasers in dermatology. The Nd:YAG 1064nm laser, which has high hemoglobin affinity, has historically been used to treat leg veins, but Aerolase’s new 650-microsecond 1064nm laser greatly expands the range of this modality to include facial veins, rosacea, scars, poikiloderma, acne and psoriasis, without the complications or discomfort of longer pulsed lasers. Learn how top laser dermatologist David Goldberg, MD, JD does it with his Aerolase 650-microsecond laser.
Presented by David J. Goldberg, MD, JD
David J. Goldberg, MD, JD is recognized nationally and internationally for his innovative work with skin lasers, cosmetic dermatology, and non-invasive facial and body rejuvenation techniques. A board-certified dermatologist who has been in practice since 1985, he has treated patients and taught doctors throughout the world in the use of these cutting-edge technologies. Under his direction, Skin Laser & Surgery Specialists of New York and New Jersey has been a pioneer in making skin laser and cosmetic dermatology technologies available to the public.