Skin Resurfacing

Resurfacing laser Erbium:YAG utilizzando un nuovo dispositivo portatile

October 28, 2015

James Gordon, MD, Ophthalmology, White Plains, NY | Khalil Khatri, MD, Dermatology, Cambridge, MAFacial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America, May 2007Laser resurfacing of facial rhytids has become a popular treatment option for many patients who have wrinkles, photodamage, and acne scarring. Laser wavelength, pulse duration, and newer techniques continue to shorten the healing phase associated with laser skin resurfacing while maintaining clinical efficacy. Erbium:YAG laser resurfacing has emerged as one of the safer, more effective methods of facial rejuvenation compared with other modalities, such as carbon dioxide laser, with shorter recovery time and better treatment outcome.The increasing popularity among physicians to use the Erbium:YAG laser for resurfacing has led to its widespread use; however, size and high initial and maintenance cost are among the problems with currently available laser devices. Additionally, because many cosmetic laser surgeons practice at more than one location, they are therefore faced with the challenge of using their laser devices at more than one office. The LightPod portable Erbium:YAG laser from Aerolase offers a new paradigm for more cost effective means of performing ablative resurfacing with reduced initial and maintenance cost and the ease of portability with significantly reduced size and weight.

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