Say Goodbye to Acne Problems

As featured in Times of India with Dr. Kiran LohiaDo you have pesky zits on your face that won't go away and you hate going out because you are worried that everyone might stare at your pimples? Are you also tired of taking medicines for years without any results? WEll, you are not alone! Over 80% of men and women suffer from acne in their lifetime. For some, the acne goes away, but for many, acne is tough to remove, and even if it goes away, it leaves marks that can last for years. Luckily, the latest innovation to treating acne is here. The US FDA approved Neo can erase acne in just four to six sessions, while also removing the marks. So, now you can finally have the kind of skin you have always wanted. Painless and without any downtime, this is the only laser facial in the world that can tackle multiple causes of acne at once without risk. It uses high energy light to kill acne bacteria while also targeting the sebaceous gland to reduce oil secretion. It also boosts collagen synthesis to promote skin renewal, forcing marks to disappear and blackheads and whiteheads to stop forming. The results are great, which is why American dermatologists are in love with this technology. So throw out that medication and try this laser therapy. NeoClear Acne Facial is available at Lumiere Dermatology.