What's The Difference Between a Medical Center and an Aesthetic Center?

Defining an Aesthetic Laser CenterThere is a difference between running a cosmetic practice and running a medical practice and it is important to understand the differences in each.An aesthetic laser center is a business that provides the necessary services either through lasers or other service-based modalities, which help patients attain a desired result of looking younger or attaining healthier looking skin. These treatments are primarily elective procedures, of which the reason for undergoing a procedure is to both have a better feeling about their personal looks and to impress others. This is not unlike having your hair dyed, receiving a manicure or pedicure.A medical practice is a business that provides the necessary facilities and knowledge to clinically diagnose symptoms of the patient in an effort to improve the patient’s symptoms and general well being. The patient is not concerned about what other people think about them during their illness-related visit to a medical practice. They are concerned about how well the physician performs through either prescriptions or treatments rather than how others perceive the outcome.DifferencesAesthetic laser center patients pay for cash based procedures and services. As elective procedures, the patients know insurance will not cover their procedure and are fully willing to personally pay for their treatments. They want to be at your office and they want to have the treatments done. These patients do expect to be seen within a reasonable time and will not wait months to be seen or will go elsewhere for treatment. Since you or your laser practitioner will be spending a good amount of time with each customer, it is generally a good idea to get to know your customers and keep a friendly demeanor throughout your relationship.At a medical practice, patients expect to have their treatments paid for by insurance and normally only want to pay minimum co-pay. They more than likely do not want to be there, but usually do not have a choice unless they would like to feel better. Here it is perfectly normal to wait several months to be scheduled in for a physical, just as it is normal to wait either in the waiting or treatment room only to see the doctor for a limited amount of time.