There's Finally An Acne Laser Treatment For People With Dark Skin

As published on HuffPost Canada by Karla Greaves
Watch the video above to find out more about the acne treatment for darker-skinned people.
No matter what type of skin you have, most can agree that the average skin blemish is quite annoying to deal with. But when you have full-blown acne, that's a totally different story.
And while there are many treatment options to control the skin ailment, there are much fewer options for people with darker skin who haven't responded well to topical or oral medications — until now.
California-based dermatologist Dr. Glynis Ablon recently did a segment on "The Doctors" to showcase the Aerolase Neo, which is said to be the latest and greatest acne laser treatment option for dark-skinned people.
In the past, laser was only an option for those with fair skin, as the procedure could cause potential burns or scarring for folks with more pigment. But fortunately, the technique has started to advance.
"The technology for laser treatments in brown skin has evolved tremendously in the last several years, and all skin tones can be safely treated in the hands of a skilled and experienced professional," Dr. Carlos Charles, founder of Derma di Colore in New York told men's skincare line Bevel.
Dr. Ablon explains that this particular laser works because it causes a minimal amount of thermal heat in the skin, and most patients should only need about three to five sessions for clearer skin.
Did we also mention that it's completely painless?
This particular laser works because it causes a minimal amount of thermal heat in the skin, and most patients should only need about three to five sessions for clearer skin.
Treatments can cost patients anywhere between US$300 to US$500 per session.
Nonetheless, for those who have the means, it could make a world of difference.